I would think a milksnake is a good starter snake but as crimsonking says, if you get a very young one, get ready for them to be a little jumpy and nippy. My little Paco (Pueblan milksnake) is only a few months old (3-4 months) and the first time I handled him he bit me, it didn't hurt at all and was quite hilarious actually! Now he's starting to get calmer and more handlable but he's still fast as a bugger! They're really cute though and don't get too big. Other good choice is a corn snake, they're easier to handle and not as nippy. Learn as much as you can of the species before getting it.
Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!