wow oscar..u got alot!!
i didnt get any new herps..i want to give my corn all the attention it needs and deserves for now.
but my herp wish list is:
0.1 Mexian Black Kingsnake
a couple chams..maybe a panther and a veiled
and maybe a crestie
..i plan to have those within the next year or so..i know im gunna have the MBK for sure by the end of this year. i plan on getting my corn a bigger tank when it gets bigger..maybe a 55gal. then i'll give the baby MBK the 29gal that the corn is in now.
oh..and the show was pretty cousin and i were so excited. lol
it was pretty small tho..cus it was raining. there were only like 10 vendors but we still had fun.
i bought two climbing trees..the guy was selling one for $10..but gave me 2 for $15 cus he thought we were o>
some more naturebark substrate..i didnt need it..but i thought what the hell. it'll save me a trip to the petstore later.
50 FT pinkies for $20
and umm....... thats about it
we plan on going to another show in west palm beach..i think its in march sometime..not sure..but im looking forward to it!