Fire Belly Toads! ?s and requests!
Hey everyone.
Was at the petstore and saw some of these guys..I decided I might get 2 or 3.
Just wondering how this sounds.
10 gallon with vermiculite or bark as the substrate. Large rock water dish at ground level. Heat lamp at about 85 day....70 at night. Humidity will be kept with misting, hides, and aluminum on the lid. Food is obvious...a variety of crickets, mealworms, waxworms, etc etc.
Anyone own these? If so how about some pictures!
Boids Unlimited
0.1.0 Burmese Pythons [Mitch]
0.0.1 Green Iguana [Cheech]
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Last edited by BoidsUnlimited; 01-06-05 at 08:05 PM..