I posted (elsewhere) 2 weeks ago about my seemingly not ill adult female that refused 2 meals, now she has refused her 3rd. She has been eating f/t so I tried a live rat today after she refused a f/t yesterday with no response. I examined her yesterday to the best of my knowledge and couldn't find anything I thought wasn't normal. She's bright and alert and has gained back the weight she lost since her babies the first week of June. She hasn't been weighed. Anyway, I haven't had a sick snake yet, and don't know if she's ill. There aren't anybubbles or mucous coming from her nostrils, she doesn't wheeze or whistle, and she hasn't had diarrhea or regurgitation. She moves about as usual, not staying in one spot more than a few days. I have not used a stethoscope to listen to her. The inside of her mouth seems normal to me.
The differences in her environment include a new BARRS cage the first week in November, a new hide on the cooler side, separation from her male cagemate that same week in November and an an unkown humidity increase. She hasn't eaten since Nov. 28th. Her temps are the same, 76 warm side, 71 cool side. Her body surface temp is 73 both today and yesterday.
I would like to do a fecal, but she hasn't pooped. I don't think she is constipated, I can't feel any mass. What should I do or look for? She hasn't passed any urates for a couple of weeks, I could check for the date.
I think I'll wait for some suggestions and decide what to do. I'm thinking of giving her panacur and or flagyl, doing a culture and sensitivity of her mouth(a microbiologist owes me a favor), and moving her back alone into the Lizard Lounge.
Any suggestions?
I thought i'd see what you folks have to say as well.
Thank you,