Metal Halide (mercury) bulbs can take up to a few min to light and need a few mins to cool before re-lighting them if you shut them off. I use a 250W *Sylvania to light my reptile room (cause i have a few iguanas that roam loose in the room) and it really does a good job at lighting and heating the room. MH is also the best artifitial source of UVB and mimics the sun in the spring and early summer. High Pressure Sodium (HPS) is also very good and mimics the sun more towards middle and mid-late summer. ceramic base fixture are much safer due to the extreme heat these bulbs produce.........Lucas
0.1 frilled dragon,1.0 reg burm, 1.1 alb burm, 0.1 rock, 1.1 bci, 1.1 ball, 0.1 green vine snake, 0.1.2 sav, 0.0.1 salvator, 0.0.1 nile, 1.0 dumerils, 3.1 green iggy,1.2 cuban......etc.