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Old 11-29-04, 07:34 PM   #1
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pregnant female with problems


I have a gravid dragon that doesn't look very good. She laid 2 eggs on Thanksgiving, one friday, and two eggs on saturday. Now she is just laying around not doing much at all. Is it normal to lay eggs over several days? Anything that I can to do to help her lay her remaining eggs? Right now she is in a ten gallon nesting box composed of moist potting soil with a nice size hole. Should I keep the light on or turn it off? Is this an example of egg binding? She isn't eating much, maybe one cricket a day.

Any help would be appreciated

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Old 11-29-04, 07:58 PM   #2
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It sounds like she may be holding off trying to find a better place to lay or egg bound. Is this her first time laying? I had a female that wouldn't lay in the usual lay box I provide for my girls last year. she didn't get lithargic and still ate but I knew she was way over due to lay. I'd say about 3 weeks or more, it was scary! She didn't lay any singles though. I gave her a new larger box with a lid over 2/3rds of the box that made her lay box really dark inside and housed her alone. I also gave her a warm bath every day for 20- 30 minutes. after 4 days of the baths and some major lecturing she finally laid the eggs. lol. She didn't have trouble with her second clutch.

I'd try the warm bath, but if she gets lithargic I'd seek vet help. Some beardies wont eat much around laying time but others are still their usual garbage disposal selves.

Good luck with her and keep us posted.
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Old 11-29-04, 08:00 PM   #3
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oh, forgot to ask, what are your temps? Some times that could be the problem as well. And make sure she has plenty of water to drink, you don't want her to get dehydrated.
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Old 11-29-04, 08:19 PM   #4
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I took her to the vet wednesday because she practically stopped eating. I didn't realize it was because of the eggs. I took her home and put her in the nesting box and she dug a hole that night and layed the first two eggs thursday during the day. I have provided a water dish as well have soaked her a few times to prevent dehyration. I think the temp is about 95 on the side away from the hole. I don't know if this is the first clutch. I bought her at a reptile show two months ago and was eating like crazy up to a week ago. I'll try the warm baths but I am very scared I'll lose her.

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Old 11-29-04, 08:53 PM   #5
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You already took her to the vet? I'm curious as to what the vet had to say? Was it a herp vet?

Does her stomach feel like it has marbles in it or do the eggs feel gooshy? Do you have any idea how long she has been gravid, to the point of feeling the eggs in the belly?

Also have you tried starging a hole in the dirt for her and placing her in the hole partially, head first so she can inspect the hole?

You can also try gently rubbing the belly.

I have had stubborn layer before but none that were actually egg bound. I've did have one a few years back that had infertile eggs (she was an older dragon) and she laid an egg or two for about 3 days and once I gave her a long bath she started laying right in the water.

I know it is a very scary thing to watch. I can only give you some ideas from experience I've had, I wish I could tell you more. If these things don't work and she starts to get worse before anyone else can help out I'd take her back to the vet to see if she is egg bound, that can be a bit costly as they have to do an exray. If it wasn't a reptile vet you will want to find one, he/she will know what to do in case of egg binding where a regular cat/dog vet wont.

Again, good luck with her, I hope she lays soon.
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Old 11-29-04, 10:11 PM   #6
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Yes, I took her to a vet that sees retiles as well. He seemed to be very knowledgeable. He seemed to think there was around 20 eggs or so. He basically told me the reason she wasn't eating was beacuse she was gravid and to make sure I have an appropriate nesting box. The eggs inside still feel solid and not gooshy. Is that something I should be watching for? Anyways, the vet said if she didn't lay within 2-3 weeks to give him a call back. I suppose I'll wait a few more days and see if she lays anymore. Otherwise, I guess it's back to the vet. How do I know if the eggs I have are fertile or not? I have then in an incubator around 83-85 degrees. They all seemed to be white, orange, and pinkish.

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Old 11-30-04, 05:34 AM   #7
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the hard feeling is a good thing. When my female's stomache felt 'gooshy' it was infertile eggs.
But also if they are yellowish color that is also a sign of infertility.
You will know the eggs are fertile after a few days of incubation. Take a pen light and put it up to the egg so that you can see a glow inside, you will see little veins starting, that means they are fertile. If they are not they will start to sink in, mold, smell, or be yellow. Temps are good and make sure the eggs dont' dry out. Moist vermeculite works great for dragon eggs in a container with a lid and holes on the side of the container near the top, not on the lid. Hope you get some babies and that she lays soon. If this is her first time that could be the problem, it may take her a bit longer. But as I said, as long as she doesn't get lithargic you should be fine.
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Old 11-30-04, 06:04 AM   #8
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sounds like it is her first clutch. If you are really worried I would give her a bath for sure. Who did you buy the female from? Where do you live? The last owner would be able to tell you. How big is she? Most important how old?
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Old 11-30-04, 06:57 PM   #9
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She is three years old, 16 inches long, and 310 grams. I bought her from a breeder in California. I live in Illinois. She seems slightly more active today but no more eggs. I changed the lighting today because I believe it has been too hot. I'm thinking maybe I'll put her back in her normal tank until she starts digging again, but I'm not sure.
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Old 12-01-04, 05:13 AM   #10
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her temp should be anywhere between 95 to 110 in basking spot. Then of course a cooler end so that they can cool off. Bathe her twice a day and see how that helps. The water would be good at around 80 degrees. Luke warm is the best.

Northwest Dragon Ranch
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Old 12-03-04, 01:19 AM   #11
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Still no more eggs. She's not digging or eating.
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Old 12-03-04, 06:08 PM   #12
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She laid three eggs today all of which were yellow and dried up by the time I got home from work. I have put her back in the nesting box and will wait for her to lay more. The first 5 eggs are doing fine and I can see the embryos growing.
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Old 12-03-04, 09:43 PM   #13
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How long should it take to lay, after you feel the eggs in her belly?
I bought a pair 3 weeks ago, and the guy didn't tell me she was gravid. I felt them for the first time on the 27th, and she's digging like crazy, very restless, also. She's pacing, to be accurate. She's still eating fine, wants no part of being touched, and just seems miserable.
Any ideas?
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Old 12-04-04, 05:52 PM   #14
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I have had a few girls lay for me over the years and I find it was always different with each girl. I had one that would lay only a couple days after I noticed the eggs in her and one that actually took almost a month to lay (this was her first time) and the others usually took about a week or two once I noticed the eggs. All of them laid the whole clutch at once though, except for one girl that was retired (she was housed alone and laid infertile eggs.) She laid a couple a day skipping a day here and there and then finally laide the rest of the clutch about 2 weeks after the first eggs.
If she is pasing dramatically and doesnt' want to be touched and digging like crazy I'd say she is ready to lay. Does she have a good lay box. Something she can get inside that is at least the lenght of her body squared, bigger would be better but this size will do. And I usually give 10-12 inches of digging.I think 6-8 would be the minamum i.m.o.
You want to make sure the soil is moist and clumps so that it can form a hole when she digs. But not too wet that it will ruin the eggs.
Good luck.

Originally posted by jessesgirl
How long should it take to lay, after you feel the eggs in her belly?
I bought a pair 3 weeks ago, and the guy didn't tell me she was gravid. I felt them for the first time on the 27th, and she's digging like crazy, very restless, also. She's pacing, to be accurate. She's still eating fine, wants no part of being touched, and just seems miserable.
Any ideas?
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Old 12-06-04, 07:47 PM   #15
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Well, damzookeeper, I took your advice about the size of the lay box and guess what happened? 23 beautiful eggs! Oh happy me! To be honest, she had a lay box that came "with the package", but it wash just a dish pan, like you put in the sink. I went yesterday a.m., bought a BIG tote, like 24in. deep, filled it with 100 lbs. of play sand, and an hour or so later she was done. What a cool expirience. I'd have never thought of a deeper tote, so thanks a ton! Oh, and wish me luck!!
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