lol im not sure if i have room for more enclosurs, i already have a 5 with rice paddy frog, black magic snail and some minnows and guppies, a 10 with 2 adult house geckos that are breeding on theyre own, another 10 with a long tail grass lizard, and a green anole, a 20 with two green tree frogs, another 5 that has two baby house geckos and 3 steudners dwarf geckos, another 20 that is setup for leopard geckos and soon as i find some for good price will have two sub-adult femal leopard geckos, and then this empty ten, the curly died, so i want somin, but i kinda want somin different like a snake but i dont think two many snakes will be ok in a 10, and im not to into insects or spiders, thanks for the suggestions so far
1.0.0 amazon tree boa 0.2.0 leopard geckos, 1.2.0 steudners dwarf geckos, 1.1.5 trance geckos, 0.0.1 green anole, 0.0.1 longtail grass lizard, 1.1.0 green tree frogs, 0.0.1 rice paddy frog, 0.0.2 whites tree frogs, 1.0.0 betta, 8 giant land snails
Last edited by JVG; 11-30-04 at 05:52 PM..