in the wild hognose eats frogs.... but bread in capitivity hognose are fed mice... normally at least... just make sure you get one that is fed mice... temperment really depends on the snake but i dont believe they strike much... what cool is they flare there neck like a cobra.. i just read on one site that there pretty gentle and easily handled
they are rear rang poisioness but ive been told its just like a bee sting... some sites say to feed frozen thawed mice( make sure you completely thaw) and some say to feed live... they dont get large 18-24".... and a 10 gallon is supposedly fine but i would suggest a larger one... hide boxes are a must with mostly any snake
if theres anything else let me know if i can help... i dont own one nor am i an expert but ive been reasearching them for a while....
if you want soething larger try a corn, king or milk snake.... personally ive changed my mind like 1000 times so be sure of what you want... i might end up getting a childrens python... good luck