UTH for baby gecko?
I was just wondering if I can use a UTH for my baby leopard gecko. I will be bringing her home in a week or so and want to get stuff set up asap. I bought one of those Faunatanks to keep her in and its the step below the biggest model you can get. Is this fine or do you have any suggestions.
0.0.1 Red Tail Green Rat Snake, 2.1.2 Corn Snakes, 0.0.1 Albino Banded Cali. Kingsnake, 0.0.1 Pueblan Milksnake, 0.0.1 Yellow Rat Snake, 0.1 Veiled Chameleon, 1.0 African Spur Thigh Tortoise, 0.0.1 Crested Gecko, 0.1.1 Armadillo Lizards, 0.0.1 Leopard Gecko, 0.0.1 Tiger Salamander