The internal dimensions are 10 in H, by 18 in D, by 36 in L. The egg chamber is completely sealed with a glass lid resting on a foam door seal so humidity is near 100%. It is heated by 3 feet of 11 in flexwatt on the ceiling and 3 ft more on the floor. Originally I used 3 in flexwatt but it wasn't enough. It is very accurate. The Helix display always reads the set point and the digital thermometer says it has a 0.25F swing.
I started with one fan at one end but it wasn't enough so now there are two fans inside. One mounted at each end. One blows up and one blows down to circulate the air. They are bolted to the bottom side of the egg crate shelf. Originally I covered the bottom with water bottles for a heat sink but after much testing I found it is more accurate without them. It also heats up from room temp to set point much faster. The water bottles stopped the airflow over the heat tape. Now when the tape heats up the warmth is swept up by the fans and circulated.
I have to thank Stockwell, Scales Zoo, and Mikey again for their help in the design.
In the end this was not cheap...
$32 melamine
$45 glass
$10 glass track
$2 screws
$2 caulk
$2 liquid nails
$4 power light
$10 digital thermometer
$140 Helix DBS 100
$30 6 ft of heat tape
$2 cords
$2 hole cover
$10 screw caps
$15 sterilite tubs
$5 foam door seal
$10 egg crate
$15 fans
So it was about $346 plus other small things like sotter, tape, and all the time it took to build, test, and modify. Much of the stuff I had on hand from previous projects and some things are optional like the DBS 1000. The wafer thermostat worked great too and it is only $15. You could also use the lids that came with the tubs instead of glass. Also the power light is optional and so are the screw caps and egg crate.
Take a look at this previous thread for more info...
Link To Previous Incubator Thread