Last May I went to Nagshead NC for a little rest and relaxation. I did a little herping down there (nothing too crazy) and found these (in no particular order).
We had one rainy night so my brother and I went for a walk and found a couple of these...
same one
Found these fowler's toads on the same stretch of road.
I checked out a local conservation area and noticed the woodchips moving on the path I was on. This little eastern mud turtle had burrowed in the path so I moved it off.
On the way out this eastern box turtle was crossing the road. I wish I noticed the grass on it's shell...
a closeup...
This Northern black racer was sunning on the side of the road.
That was all I got in NC but on the way home we stopped in West Virginia for the night and it rained all night....perfect
Here's what we got while driving at night.
a green frog
a wood frog
a spring peeper
an american toad
my first salamander was a mountain dusky
we got several northern redbacks
a four-toed salamander
a northern red salamander (anyone dispute this ID?)
a slimy salamander
and another
I also found this dead snake, anyone know what it is?
In the daytime I managed to find these Northern watersnakes
this one looked a bit different
The birding was great too. Here's a few I managed to snap off
female boat tailed grackle
a male eastern towhee
I love this shot of a female prairie warbler
a laughing gull
a neat shot showing the difference in size between a least tern and a royal tern. Notice the band on the royal terns leg??
a sanderling
a ruddy turnstone
and a willet
Hope this post works
Russ Jones
Ontario, Canada