Say what?? I don't understand where the 50% is coming from.
You say the male is 100% albino... why not just call it an albino, or do you mean it's a definate het?? big difference
Assuming your wording is correct and you have an albino male:
If you breed the albino male to 3 normal females, all the babies will be het for amel. Everyone will be a carrier
You should then breed the het females back to their albino father to produce the highest number of amel babies at 50% or half the clutch... The rest of the non amel babies will all be hets
Growing up the het babies and breeding them back to their siblings will only produce 25% amel offspring, 50 % hets and 25% normals but you wont be able to tell the normals from the hets, so all the non albino babies would be classified as 66% possible hets
In order to understand how to predict genetic inheritance you need to understand how to construct and use a Punnett square.
There is lots of information on the web.
Here's a couple links