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Old 10-08-04, 12:47 PM   #1
VI Reptiles
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Making an Albino BP

Hi, I am just wondering if I am doing the right thing. First, I am getting an 100% albino male which im gonna breed to 3 females. the 50% males I get will be sold and the 50% females well be kept. I will then breed all my 50% females to the 100% male and breed the normals as well. The part that I am not sure about is if I dont produce an albino with a 50% femal does that mean shes not gonna make one and shes just a normal?

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Old 10-08-04, 01:07 PM   #2
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nope, it doesnt mean she's normal... the odds are in your favour breeding 2 hets together... but it is possible that you wont get any albino's... it could take a couple years before getting them... guess it just depends on how lucky you, good luck...
Joe Burch.
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Old 10-08-04, 06:29 PM   #3
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Say what?? I don't understand where the 50% is coming from.
You say the male is 100% albino... why not just call it an albino, or do you mean it's a definate het?? big difference

Assuming your wording is correct and you have an albino male:

If you breed the albino male to 3 normal females, all the babies will be het for amel. Everyone will be a carrier
You should then breed the het females back to their albino father to produce the highest number of amel babies at 50% or half the clutch... The rest of the non amel babies will all be hets
Growing up the het babies and breeding them back to their siblings will only produce 25% amel offspring, 50 % hets and 25% normals but you wont be able to tell the normals from the hets, so all the non albino babies would be classified as 66% possible hets

In order to understand how to predict genetic inheritance you need to understand how to construct and use a Punnett square.
There is lots of information on the web.
Here's a couple links
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Last edited by Stockwell; 10-08-04 at 06:45 PM..
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Old 10-08-04, 08:11 PM   #4
VI Reptiles
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Ok i found my mistake, I meant 100% het albino male!
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Old 10-08-04, 08:33 PM   #5
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If you breed a 100% het for albino male to a 50% het female then in theroy if you get 4 egg and one is albino then she is a het. If you get at least 4 eggs and no albinos then chances are she is not carrying the albino gene but I would breed her two years in a row just to make sure.
I'm also using 100% het males and 50% het females that I produced.
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Old 10-08-04, 09:36 PM   #6
VI Reptiles
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exactly wat i was gonna do, u stealer
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Old 10-09-04, 07:42 AM   #7
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Here's a table with the odds of getting an albino from het X het breeding. Basically the expected 1:4 ratio is no guarantee and the more eggs you get the better your odds.
Randy Remington
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Old 10-09-04, 09:33 AM   #8
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I edited out the stuff that didn't need to be here. Let's keep this about ball genetics and stop taking shots at each other or the thread will be closed.
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Old 10-09-04, 11:03 AM   #9
VI Reptiles
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how many eggs do bps lay in 1 clutch?
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Old 10-09-04, 11:14 AM   #10
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Anywhere from 0-10 with the average being around 6.

You should look up some care sheets. You'll find a lot of the info you've been asking about PLUS the basic husbandry.
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Old 10-09-04, 02:39 PM   #11
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Trrrevvvorrr!!! Now I cant say what I was gonna!!! But I bet you can guess!

1.0.0 Ball Python Omega
1.0.0 Amel Corn Bob Dylan
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