Great news!!! Ok i got echo to eat his first t/k mouse today... i know it isnt a rat but he wont have any trouble switching either way. Ive got a load of mice and babies right now so if they are big enough i might as well get rid of them the way echo likes haha. He didnt want to grab it at first when i placed it in his tub, but then i took some prongs and nudged it closer to him and finnaly he took it.
This is getting better and better every day!!
Ok next thing. I made the dimmer that Vengeance gave me the link for. Being a computer nerd is helpful when playing with that kinda stuff. The box looks great now and im hoping that it works
I also changed his cage and did as BoidKeeper suggested. The water bowl is on the farthest end and the tank is on its side with the screen as the front. I removed those crappy round thermometers haha and now every thing looks really sweet and hopefully ill have his temps at about 88ish in an hour or so for him. right now its 80 degrees.... and seems to be dropping lower maybe the switch got pushed in so it was off... hey hey thats what it was now its at 81.3 and looking goog. I just want to give a ton of thanks to all of you helping me on this. I owe you all one.
On a side note i cannot find heat pads anywhere yet, but this might be a good fix untill i can get to a bigger town that i can get it at. Cheers!!!!@!