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Old 09-30-04, 01:18 PM   #1
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Not All Pits Are Bad...

Found this on the web... nice little story...
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Old 09-30-04, 02:29 PM   #2
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cute pic, but that's not what makes news saddely....
Kayla Young
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Old 09-30-04, 02:34 PM   #3
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It should though... it's more common than most people think... I think Pits and Staffies make great pets... =)
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Old 09-30-04, 02:36 PM   #4
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This is what makes news:

On the front of todays paper...
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Old 09-30-04, 02:43 PM   #5
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nice photo samba....

Did you know that in Michigan you cannot own a pitbull if you are a minor---you can't even be out walking a pitbull. And it's a law that all pitbulls must be destroyed if captured and brought into shelters. very sad, yes?!
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Old 09-30-04, 02:47 PM   #6
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I think we've talked about this before...
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Old 09-30-04, 02:56 PM   #7
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I am sorry but if I accidently let my 20 POUND jack russell into my yard without looking to see if someone was out there, she would attack.

This was a HUMAN AT FAULT incident. Period. The dogs were protecting their yard. I was VERY happy to read this part of the article:

"Despite being "angry about what they did to me," Koerner, an animal lover who owns a tiny Bichon Frise-poodle mix, said he wants the pit bulls' lives spared, saying it was an accident.

"I don't want the owner to be mad and upset," said Koerner, a friend of Bromfield's son who regularly cuts their grass. "It wasn't (her) fault. She didn't know I was out back. "

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Old 09-30-04, 02:59 PM   #8
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Jail Time to those who own Pit Bulls and let them wander the street and attack.. If they kill someone, you're the killer now..

Pit Bulls as well as other large breed dogs (Roti's, Akita's, Dobermans, German Sheppards etc.) will be required to wear a muzzle.. Maybe even ALL dogs soon..

There will be no warnings anymore, just heavy fines and potential jail time (depending on what the dog does)..

This are all new rules they're trying to bring into effect in Ontario and likely the rest of Canada.. They should be announcing it by the end of the week...

Honestly, I like this idea.. It's about time the owners take on some of the responsibility..
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Old 09-30-04, 03:02 PM   #9
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Sounds reasonable to me
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Old 09-30-04, 03:07 PM   #10
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I hate all this sh*t about big dogs like staffies and rotties and pit bulls being mean. It's all in the way they are brought up. These people buy them because they look big and tough and mean and them train them to be this way. I think instead of putting down the dog they should start putting down the owners. Its their fault the dog is they way he is. If you properly train them from puppy on then you will never have a problem. But its when these jerks that get their hands on these dogs that gives them this bad rep. Same goes with these breeders that breed their dogs to be like this. They should all be shut down. It's really, really sickening to me that these people can get away with breeding dogs to be mean. Here's a story for you.........

I worked at the SPCA in the town I live in for 3 years. The one day I was working in the back and the city police came through the door with this male pittbull named "Turbo". They said that he had bitten a lady in one of the trailer courts. This lady had gone to her rental property to drop off a notice to the renters and she claimed that she had gotten bit and had to go to the hospital and get stitches and everything. When the officer told me the ladies name, I knew right away that her story was a bunch of bullsh*t. I called our hospital, told them who I was and asked if there had been anyone come to the hospital to get stitches for a dog bite, or for that matter stitches for anything. The girl at the hospital went and checked the records and there had been no one come for stitches.....AT ALL. I told the officer this and said that they must be lieing to me because the dog bit right through his coat too. When I asked him to see the bite marks in his coat he turned around and walked away from me. About a half hour after the officers left the vet clinic, who is just across the highway from us, called us and told us that they saw the police bring the dog out. They said that the cops had the dog tied by bailer twine to their mirror on the outside of the car and they were literally dragging this poor dog down the highway. We found out later that they dragged him 6 kms from one side of town to the other like this. When I found this out I was honestly sick to my stomach. How could anyone do that. The end result was that the city had to decide what to do with this dog and he ended up living in the shelter for 3 months. I walked into work one morning and my manager was sitting at her desk bawling. I knew right away that "Turbo" had been euthanized. I couldn't believe it. He was the sweetest dog ever. I had taken him home for a few nights and he was great with my dogs and cats. My dad had him down at his autobody shop for a week in the office with people coming and going and he never even growled at anyone. We tried everything in our power to save Turbo. We even stole him and were going to hide him and tell the police officers that he got out. Unfortunatley one of the other girls at the shelter ratted us out. I don't know what to say. We did everthing we could for him.

Unfortunately the reason it happened was because of ignorant peoples views on those breeds of dogs. But its pretty bad that the officers were just as ignorant.
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Old 09-30-04, 03:14 PM   #11
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Oh boy...

This thread is going to turn into a monster.. just like the last one
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Old 09-30-04, 03:15 PM   #12
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Just as long as it doesn't get out of hand
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Old 09-30-04, 03:16 PM   #13
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Oh Im pretty sure it will .. peoples emotions are already starting to show
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Old 09-30-04, 03:23 PM   #14
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Something tells me this may another reason why soo many people get Pit Bulls...

Are there any cuter looking puppies???
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Old 09-30-04, 03:38 PM   #15
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i didnt know that treegirl....and i live in Michigan.Luckily im not a minor so my two red nose pits dont have any thing to worry about.As far as pits and rotts and whatever other kind of dog being aggressive...i think alot of it has to do with how it was raised.Like Matt said your responsible for your dogs actions, and people should be.You bought the dog, you raised the dog, if it flips out and chews off someones leg than its your @ss
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