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Old 09-24-04, 06:07 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2004
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Black tree monitor

Hi guys, anyone know where I could get a non-captive black tree monitor in the GTA or Ontario area. I don't want to deal with a possible death....Does anyone think it is ok to try to keep a captive monitor....I just don't understand how it can tollerate living in a 3x3 as opposed to a free forest. Please advise me on wheather I should really look for one that is not wild or just accept it.

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Old 09-24-04, 08:17 PM   #2
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You can't mimic a forest. But you can provide almost all the essentials needed to comfortably house the animal. Dirt, humidity, hiding spots etc.

I've kept solo black trees before and they thrived, you just need to house them properly or they die very quick. Good humidity levels (without mold, gotta be careful of that) Good hiding spots and a good substrate (i used leaves and dirt) and good basking and ambient temperatures.
Feed em rodents and insects (no crappy substitutes)

Maybe bob (treevaranus) can give you some details on how he houses his, seems as though hes had a good level of success with tree species.
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Old 09-26-04, 12:33 PM   #3
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Hi, how do you prevent mold in the air.....
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Old 09-27-04, 04:54 PM   #4
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Use ventilation and regulate humidity. Get rid of bacteria in dirt and find out what mixtures of dirt are most suiting.

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Old 09-27-04, 10:08 PM   #5
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Hi there,

Being one of the larger members of the prasinus complex, being smaller than only Varanus macraei, I offer my beccari a larger sized enclosure when compared to my prasinus or boehmei. I currently keep a pair of Black Tree Monitors together in an enclosure which measures 5' wide x 6' tall x 2.5' deep. The walls consist of white tileboard, sealed at the corners by silicon.

The bottom consists of a large cement mixing pan filled with approximately 2-3" of water at the bottom.. The cage is adorn with limbs and silk plants. There is also many cork tubes and flats attached to the cage walls, to provide ample hiding spots for the animals to feel secure.

I wrote a rather lengthy post earlier this month about how I care for, and most importantly acclimate wild caught tree monitors. I recommend you check that out, as you said you would rather avoid experiencing a death.... Tree monitors can be difficult animals to care for...

Anyways, I hope this helps a bit, I have a few pics of my tree monitor enclosures on my website, however, they are long overdue to be updated..I've got a better camera now, and just need to come up with some free time to update the photos and my site... A lot of new, interesting stuff has been going on here...

Cheers folks,

bobThe Odatriad
Even after all the advances in medical technology that we've made, there is still a 100% mortality rate.......
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Old 09-29-04, 07:04 PM   #6
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Personally, I think if you are planning to keep a lone animal you should go for a captive bred species, rather than taking an animal out of the wild and giving it a Darwinian death (never to pass on its genes).
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