Is this Garter legal Daniel in the state you live in?
Here in vermont it is a federal offense to own anything native in this state. Something else you might want to concider, I have a friend that is part of the Board of Reptile and Amphibian Wildlife. He tells me that ALL species of garters, the exportation of ANY species is coming to a close. So all those localities, albino ect..cannot be shipped. The penatlity in the state of Vermont for owning an illegel species is around 75 dollars or more. Every state has a different regulation so that is somethin to concider and Garters are becoming protected alot. The San Francisco Garter is protected and endangered because people are collecting them out of the wild. To own this species requires a permit.
Garters diet concists of earthworms, small frogs, pinkies-adult mice, "rosie fish"(Tuffies), small lizards(anoles, salamanders, "grubs" ect. Pretty much a wide range.
Life span-8-20+ yrs in captivity
Adult length- under 5ft
Range-Through out North America(many Lo-cals and subspecies)
Babies should be housed in smaller enclosures to reduce stress such as a sweater box or 10g. A mature Garter in my opinion should be housed in enclosure at least 48 inches. Not everyone relizes it but these animals get quite long, not so much in girth but get a decent length. Overall 5 feet is a decent size snake for the beginner and should be concidered if one can house it properally.
You can use a heat pad IF you have a thermostat to regulated the temps. Some household ones have rheostats built into them. If you choose to use the pad I suggest raising the enclosure 3in about the pad eaither by wood blocks or ect, something strong enuff to support your snake's home. I suggest this because this is a borrowing species and if in contact with the glass(if you so choose to use an aquarium) and the warmth of the pad could result in serious burns and could be fatel, pending. Glass gets VERY hot! Rubbermaid enclosures might not run that risk so much. Alternative heat sorce is a dome lamp w/incondecent or cermanic heat emitters on the top of a mesh wire.
Side note: I also sugest a full spectrum fixture(UVB bulb). Since these animals hail on different prey other than rodents, they may need the added calcium boost.
And I also suggest on purchasing a book about basic Garter care and husbantry.
These were my first snakes myself when I was 9. Take that and add 10 more years, lol. I've been keeping them for almost 4 yrs (since my 5 yr lapse, lol).
Hope this helps,
Good luck and have fun! There underated animals and are a great first snake and you'll be adicted to them soon, lol.