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Old 09-11-04, 02:15 AM   #1
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Cal King vs. Mex. Black King? [any input?]

I'm extremely interested in getting a snake in the VERY near future, and I have basically narrowed my decision down to either a Cal Desert Phase or a Mex. Black, and although I'd very much like to get both, I just don't have the money right now, especially seeing as how I'd be buying from a pet store....

But does anyone have any input [besides personal preference] to help me make my decision? I've read that the Blacks tend to be smaller than the Cals, and less jittery when they're young....Argh. I had my heart set on the Black, and the pet store ordered one in, partially because I was interested...But before it came in, I was at the store almost daily playing with the Cal and I'm becoming attached. Also, today when I went in to see the Black [just beautiful], as it got in yesterday, when the handler tried to take him out for me to see, it was evident he was cranky as he waved all over the place, tried to escape and proceeded to musk upon being 'caught', and then skulk around shaking his tail...But of course, he had only been there for just over 24 hours and who knows how much he had been handled before that...little ball of nerves, that little guy, I'll bet....But now I've sort of 'bonded' with the Cal [I honestly go visit them way too much. I might as well just apply for a job there already, hah!], and would feel bad leaving him behind....but I would also feel bad leaving the Black behind because he was ordered in partly for my sake...

So I'm just interested to see if anyone has any input towards either of these snakes in general that might help me decide....The only big difference right now is price...the Cal is fifty dollars less than the Black, but it's not something I'm terribly concerned about. BLAH.

Apologies, as that was longer than intended, but I wanted to give as much info as possible....Thanks for any input you guys might be able to come up with =) It would be especially awesome if anyone with experience with both of these snakes would be able to offer any input!

Thanks again,
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Old 09-11-04, 05:54 AM   #2
Tigergenesis's Avatar
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I have both so I say - get both! LOL. I personally recommend a MBK over a Cal King...especially if it's your first snake and because I think everyone should own an MBK! My MBK is less jumpy and musks less than my Cal King. They are both great eaters. It's a tough call, and I love both my snakes, but as a first snake I usually recommend an MBK or a corn.
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"
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Old 09-11-04, 09:06 AM   #3
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I too like nigrita over the Cal., but it seems you have already answered your own question with the "bonding' thing. The $50. would go a long way toward food/set up for the Cal. as well......
Surrender Dorothy!
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Old 09-11-04, 09:13 AM   #4
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Kristen, the choice is up to you. "Generally" Mexican Blacks are a bit calmer, from what I’ve found but it can go either way. Size wise, they are about the same. Care wise they are EXACTLY the same. You can’t go wrong here!

And I don't want to sound rude AT ALL but...

<b>DON'T</b> buy from a pet store. The animal you get and prices you pay (again, generally) can't compare to a breeder.

Send me an email. I can set you up with a hatchling of either for a fraction of the price. They will be healthy and feeding WELL. That is a BIG deal when considering your first snake.

I just shipped a cornsnake to Alberta because some nice people bought a pet snake from a store, it ate twice and died.

Anyway, I don't mean to ramble and I'm REALLY not just trying to sell you a snake. But drop me a line. You won't regret it!

P.S. I live in Winnipeg too!
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 09-11-04, 10:43 AM   #5
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Oh wow, this is the best news I've heard yet.
I really DIDN'T want to buy from a pet store, because I know they're overpriced and I just don't trust them in general ever since a lady I know went through five kittens in one year, because they all had something wrong with them that they didnt find out about until later. I figured it was my only option though, because I knew my dad [who would be paying] wouldn't let me ship in [because he's paranoid that everyone wants to steal his money...hah], and I couldn't find anything in the paper, but you say you live right here!

And thanks everyone else for the input....
Now the brain is running amok with ideas and decisions, etc., hehehe.
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Old 09-11-04, 11:28 AM   #6
Kevin McRae
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I would go with a cali can get alot of different colours and patterns, which makes them cooler....

I am not a Winnipeger but am a Manitoban

Do you have any other reptiles?

Happy choosing
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Old 09-11-04, 12:40 PM   #7
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Nope, I've only got three fish and a really big, superfriendly cat who can't meow, and I've had dogs and a rabbit before as well.

However, I used to spend long hours when I was younger begging my parents of either a daschund or anything that closely resembled a lizard. I'm not even sure when my interest in snakes started, but it wasn't until a recent trip to Edmonton when I was looking at the snakes in the pet store there that I was like, "Okay, now I really actually want to OWN one." Then my dad made the mistake of coming with me to Petland one day while we were in the area...and well. You know where this is going.

Now it's just a matter of choosing, purchasing, etc etc, and I'm insanely pleased with the results this post brought me, as now I've found a breeder who lives pretty much within WALKING distance from me [Tim Cranwill - Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes --- thanks a bundle]! The only thing I am 'troubled' with now is the fact that reptiles appear to be like piercings, tattoos and other such things. Once you get one, you just can't stop....hehehehe

Also, hoorah for Manitoba =) . Have we ever/do we ever/are we expecting any reptile, etc conventions? Anyone know? Hmm...

Anyhow, thanks for the help, etc everyone!
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Old 09-11-04, 02:53 PM   #8
Kevin McRae
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We want to do a show but there are a few problems I believe....
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Old 09-11-04, 11:35 PM   #9
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I agree with Tim on this, don't bother with the pet store...

Substrate, dog food, and 'Reptiles' magazine are about all a pet store is good for now-a-days.

Besides being the cheaper alternative, the other great thing about getting from a breeder is that if there is any info you need, the really good ones(like Tim) will be willing to help with any questions you have. That rarely(if ever) happens in a pet store.

Good luck, either would make a great first snake...
California Kingsnakes.
Honduran Milksnakes.
Black Milksnakes.
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Old 09-12-04, 03:46 AM   #10
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Go Mexican all the way I have several species and I love the Mex Black the best. They are very docile and from what i have found out from my own experience and friends is, they will most of the time eat when they are in "blue"


God Bless
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Old 09-12-04, 03:19 PM   #11
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I've had my Mex. Black for about 4 days and she's the coolest. Highly recommend an MBK. She is hard to handle so far though, I'd assume she's still got the jitters from shipping and getting used to her new enclosure.
0.1 Mexican Black King
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