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Old 09-10-04, 07:42 AM   #1
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Pup shoots man, saves litter mates

Charles Bronson would be proud.

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Old 09-10-04, 09:32 AM   #2
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Having worked for the SPCA for 4 years I dunno if I would applaude the pup. Sometimes death is better than living all your life in a shelter. And trust me, not every dog finds a good home to go to when in a shelter. Fact of life. Animals are culled all the time in different fields like it or not. Anyways, maybe I should stop now before the raving animal activists come banging down my door!
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Old 09-10-04, 10:04 AM   #3
Scotty Allen
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Look out Vanan, they're gonna' get you for that one. *S*
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Old 09-10-04, 12:29 PM   #4
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It's a cute story and all, but seriously, those same pups that have been 'saved' would have probably died in a shelter, if not for this freak incident. Why is it when something like this happens everyone wants a piece of the story... (a puppy); however this man apparently tried to find these puppies homes and was not successful. It's a lose-lose situation... the man should have prevented the puppies in the first place...
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Old 09-10-04, 01:34 PM   #5
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"the man should have prevented the puppies in the first place..."


My grandmother is always in a bad position. She lives in California and is CONSTANTLY taking in cats, and trying to re-home them. After doing this for 15 years, its getting harder and harder to the point I told her just to euthanize a recent litter she found in her backyard. The SCPA there wants her to PAY to give them to them. If she doesn't have the money, her choices are dumping them at the SPCA at night, dropping them on a street corner, paying to raise all 6 of them (even though she has done this for dozens of other cats over the years) while hoping to find them a home, or paying the SPCA to take each one of her hands. It's out of control!

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Old 09-10-04, 02:20 PM   #6
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Originally posted by Scotty Allen
Look out Vanan, they're gonna' get you for that one. *S*
LOL! Phew! Close one.

I have to agree with Marisa. It's a neverending battle with abandoned and unwanted animals. There's only so much that can be done. Some shelter have reverted back from being a No-Kill shelter to euthanizing any "unadoptable" animal. Mostly includes senior dogs, unhealthy dogs and dogs with temperament and behavioral issues. It all falls back on the act of breeding, whoever allows it is at fault, not the shelter or the guy who decides to euthanize them. In this case, both being the same with this guy.
The Herp Room

"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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Old 09-10-04, 03:25 PM   #7
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Gotta love that karma man!
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Old 09-11-04, 01:36 PM   #8
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I dont know what primative cavemen I was raised with but since when is shooting a animal in the head cruel? Its the most painless way you could ever go. Just cause you dont pay the vet 85 bucks.
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Old 09-11-04, 06:06 PM   #9
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I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, killing a litter I allowed to have happen. When you breed, you are responsible for either finding homes for the puppies, or keeping them yourself. Sounds like this was probably one of those 'accidental litters' (how responsible). Too bad.
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