cichlids with a miss map?
I have had a mississippi map turtle for about two years now. He has always been housed with pretty basic tropical fish (guppies, gouramis, red tail black shark, etc. ). I moved earlier this summer, and a lot of the fish didn't make it through the move.
Since then i got a new puppy, so i have been really busy. Anyways, i am just getting to fully setting up his tank now. All the temperatures and stuff are correct, it just has absolutely no decoration in it. So today i am going to finish the work i have been putting off for so long, and my turt will finally have a happy home again.
My question is can i house cichlids with a mississippi map turtle? I undertstand they are pretty aggressive fish, so which will be the aggressor? The turtle or the fish? Will they bite at my turtle? What are the fish's chances of survival? My turt is quite the accomplished hunter! He used to be housed with a midland painted turtle, and the map just put his skills to shame! It would be a shame to buy 10 $10 fish and have them last a week!
I am excited to get this finished, so let me know quickly please!
Thanks a lot
1.1 Map Turtles, 1.0 Florida Red Belly Turtle, 0.0.1 Musk Turtle, 1.1 Leopard Geckos, 1.1 Bearded Dragons, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Airedale Terrier