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Old 09-05-04, 08:40 PM   #1
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female for breed

hi, i have a large female bp that is breedable, i live just outside windsor ontario, is it a reasonable deal if i offer to let her breed to a male pastel , in return i just want a pastel baby out of the rest the owner of the male can have the rest. Would this be a fair thing. If so anyone with a male pastle get in touch

Last edited by kjay; 09-05-04 at 09:35 PM..
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Old 09-05-04, 08:54 PM   #2
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The problem with that is, why would someone want to give you one of the pastel babies that are worth around 1,500.00 over just buying their own normal female for 100.00 bucks? It's not cost effective for the owner of the pastel unless they just want to be SUPER nice to you....which hey, happens..... IMHO anyways.

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Old 09-05-04, 09:30 PM   #3
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A breedable size would cost them over $200 for a normal, that's if they can even find one.

If I was pimping out my big females for breeding, I'd want to do it with a high end morph! But that's just me (*wink wink*, I have a few huge females, anyone wanna loan me a pied? lol)

I don't know about pastels, I haven't even looked to see about the genetics of them...... but unless it's a trait that is dominate, the babies will all only be 100% hets.

Anyway, no harm in lending out males, but you might end up having to make a different deal than what you want kjay.......

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Old 09-05-04, 09:32 PM   #4
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i see, i thought most guys hang on to their females, and if a guy had a male ready to breed but no female that would be good, so more realistic if i get my own adult male and breed, i dont care if its a morph or not , just more for the experience for my nephew and i , thanks
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Old 09-05-04, 10:39 PM   #5
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Kjay: like marisa said, money wise, it's not really worth it for the owner of the male. But, you might be able to find someone who would do it. Maybe.

justin: if I remember right, pastel is dominant. So a normal x pastel would create a batch with equal pastels and equal normals. No hets. I'm pretty sure I'm right, if I'm not, feel free to correct me.
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Old 09-05-04, 10:55 PM   #6
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Jessy, $200 for a breedable female, point me in the general vicinity and sign me up for a couple hundred of them. $400-$500 seems much more realistic.
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Old 09-05-04, 11:04 PM   #7
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Samantha, Pastel Jungles are co-dominant.

Jessy, I'm with Mykee; I'll take all the $200 breedable female BP's you got.
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Old 09-06-04, 12:57 AM   #8
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Kjay, check your PMs.
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Old 09-06-04, 04:54 AM   #9
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Kjay, that's not a bad deal... if you lived near me, I'd make that deal with you anytime. However, that would only apply for a) a codominant morph, and b) more than 1 of the offspring turned out to be that morph. Hope you find someone to make that deal with you and that you get yourself a nice pastel next year. Good luck!!!
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Old 09-06-04, 10:51 AM   #10
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Obviously breedable fmales cost more. I was speaking of someone who owns a pastel not having any normal females they are raising up ahead of time.

I still do not see how it is good for the owner of the pastel, unless they absolutly have NO females....its basically giving away a pastel and two normals?

What if only one pastel hatches? What if all normals hatch? What if all pastels hatch? What if none hatch? I mean these are all things someone who is looking to breed pastels would want to avoid, by having their own females.

Again, just IMHO.

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Old 09-06-04, 11:05 AM   #11
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marisa, no need to defend your point i respect it, i have no problem with what you wrote, i just asked a question. The advantage i see for them is they have one more female that a male could breed with, it cost them nothing, to let their male breed and they end up with more snakes in the long run, i have seen pastels for a grand a female the size of mine is roughly 3-5 hundred. The snakes produced from mine would just be a bonus to that breeder, say they have 2 pastels, i get one they get one, poof there is free money off one snake that cost them nothing. There are people out there who may have sunk all their money into 1 male pastel adn cant afford a female as cheap as they are, wouldnt that make it a doable scenario for that guy, he ends up ahead no matter how you slice it. I respect your post
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Old 09-06-04, 01:21 PM   #12
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you are very much right mykee (and others)........ i don't know where i came up with $200 for a female...... that would get you a 800 gram i guess! 400-500 is correct, and again, if you can even find them. right around september people go female crazy and sellers can ask pretty much whatever they want!

***still waiting for the PM's for studding to my 3000 gram female ***

And thank you, now I know about pastels....... which makes me wonder why there arn't more of them?
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Old 09-06-04, 02:53 PM   #13
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Marisa, I would personally do it. Firstly, you'd breed the other person's female last, not affecting whether or not your own females would take. If you were to just buy a bunch of your own breedable females, you'd be spending several hundred dollars and there's no guarantee the females you bought would take for you. If someone were to just lend you your female instead, and it doesn't take, at worst you are out a few rats. If it does take, so what if the guy ends up getting a pastel cheap... you'll get a few extra pastels you otherwise wouldn't normally have. And if any of them are female pastels, you'll have more breeding stock for future projects with different blood. It's not as if that person would be guaranteed to buy a pastel from you otherwise anyhow, so I don't see it as losing anything... it's just a mutually beneficial arrangement. Besides... you can never have enough females :P
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog
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Old 09-06-04, 03:02 PM   #14
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Kjay, if you've found pastels for $1000, point me in the general vicinity and sign me up for a couple hundred of them. I see your point regarding the 'free snake' idea, but honestly, who would go out and make the investment of $1500 (yeah, $1500!) for a male pastel without having any normal female to breed him to? This isn't the States, people don't buy pastels as pets up here. When we Canadians buy expensive morphs, they're bought to breed. I have two breedable pastel males and quite a few female pastels, and honestly if you came to me with a normal female to breed, I would offer you ALL of the normal pastel siblings. "free snakes" right?
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Old 09-06-04, 06:10 PM   #15
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mykee nows your chance to buy those pastels, put your money where your mouth is, or letters, lol $1000.00 on the site, hey when you buy the couple hundred you said you would buy should have to breed it with my female for finding them for you. all in fun .
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