ok my freind is at pj's (yes i know pjs pets stores are mostly crap but hes keeping the herps realy well) so hes giving me huge deals on every thing i have 4 full grown whites ready to breed. And hes offering me 3 tomato frogs (2.1) for the 4 trees (2.2) now i dont mind losing 1 frog in the deal but its kinda weird im asking $200 frog the whites (they are proven)he wants $175 for the tomato frogs and i can breed those to so i lose 1 frog and $25 in the deal? But i guess ill be buying more tomato frogs at the show with the money i get from selling my emps pedes and tanks (im moving and need space)
so the question is should i get the tomato frogs and lose my whites? or keep the whites and lose my other tomato frog i will have no use for?
thanx for reading this froggy