Trevor - Yeah, I was kinda thinking the same thing. There's just something about him.........I have a lot of Black Back looking females and honestly i don't expect any of them to prove out, but I'll be surprised if this guy doesn't pass it along to some degree.
Corey - Carole says you never had a chance at that little guy
She really liked him as a hatchling. As for twisting your arm, it's not my fault you forgot which ones you wanted to keep
hahaha He's settling in quite well and is easily the most high strung snake in my collection. Little buggar......
Eric - That is a very nice looking animal. I'm surprised Corey let that one go, he's usually quite stingy
It was nice meeting you in Daytona this year, best of luck with the upcoming season!
Everyone else - Thanks for all of the kind words, though I'm not sure any of the "congratulations" are deserved..........I just bought 'em
Next year we'll see if I can hatch 'em.........