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Old 08-30-04, 04:50 PM   #1
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Action being taken with pit bulls


This is probly gonna start a argrument but i hope it doesnt get big. Today on the news there were 2 pit bulls shot down cause i think that it attacked someone. Now someone is planning on doing something about it(government?), that thing maybe ban pitpulls, this isnt a 100% sure. But city tv is a phone poll and around 2200 people say ban pitbulls from the city and 1800 said no. What do you guys think and amybe some of you can fix my facts.

I think that they should get people to earn a license or something, banning pit bulls is a going to upset a lot of pitbull owners. I saw we dont ban it

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Old 08-30-04, 04:52 PM   #2
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Just curious... what does this post have to do with reptiles? I mean this is a reptile site isn't it?
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Old 08-30-04, 04:53 PM   #3
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Well pitbulls do have a bad rep and i do agree something has to be done but nothing as serious as banning them. The license sounds good but would it work? Personally i feel that they shouldn't ban pit bulls, they can make great and wonderful pets, there's just those unfortunate accidents that sometimes happens that no one can avoid. We just got to learn to live with it. Just my two cents
..Soo...this is life...wasn't what i expected but who am I to complain?
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Old 08-30-04, 04:54 PM   #4
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What they should license is ANYONE who wants to own a dog.

ANY dog can become a monster, and attack someone. Not just pits. But the general public likes to rid itself of anything they think is the problem, except themselves. The owners are as much to blame in ANY dog attack as a dog is.

Pit bulls have passed temperment tests as much or more often than so called "friendly" breeds. But low and behold, you never hear about a lab bite even though many many do in fact happen.

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Old 08-30-04, 04:55 PM   #5
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Yes its a reptile stie but this fourm is whatever goes, i think anyway

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Old 08-30-04, 04:55 PM   #6
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Originally posted by leoncurrie
Just curious... what does this post have to do with reptiles? I mean this is a reptile site isn't it?
The subject of the forum is "Anything goes.. (If there isnt another forum for your thread)" So any other topics are usually covered here.
..Soo...this is life...wasn't what i expected but who am I to complain?
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Old 08-30-04, 04:57 PM   #7
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a lot of people here keep more then reptiles as pets. We all care about the health and welfare of our pets.

This is a general forum. if you notice, a lot of the threads here do not relate to herps at all.
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Old 08-30-04, 04:58 PM   #8
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This sort of thing is normally talked about in the GD forum Leon. Remeber man you don't have to reply to everything you read Especially the stuff that you think shouldn't be here. Why not just move on to something you think should be here and reply to that. However, there is nothing wrong with this in the GD forum. Now if someone mentions politics in this discussion then we got a
As for the question, I don't think they should be banned but I also don't think that just anyone should be allowed to own them. Just like giants and hots. I don't think they should be banned either but I think their ownership should be legislated.
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Old 08-30-04, 04:59 PM   #9
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Originally posted by marisa
What they should license is ANYONE who wants to own a dog.

ANY dog can become a monster, and attack someone. Not just pits. But the general public likes to rid itself of anything they think is the problem, except themselves. The owners are as much to blame in ANY dog attack as a dog is.

Pit bulls have passed temperment tests as much or more often than so called "friendly" breeds. But low and behold, you never hear about a lab bite even though many many do in fact happen.

Great post! the idea about everyone having to get a license makes sense, but the downside, dog owners would demand every "pet" owner to get a license. If we go down on the dog owners they're goin to take everyone else with them. But i wouldn't mind having to get a license, would rid the hobby of most those irresponsible owners. The only problem is, is it rational, achievable, and would it work?
..Soo...this is life...wasn't what i expected but who am I to complain?
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Old 08-30-04, 04:59 PM   #10
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This here is an airline story

Story im talkinga bout now

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Old 08-30-04, 05:10 PM   #11
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I think it is all how the animal is raised. A dog learns from example.

I also feel the it should be mandatory for dog owners to put there animals through obedience training, cutting back on accidental bite from dogs playing. In those classes you learn alot about how dogs interpet things.
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Old 08-30-04, 05:14 PM   #12
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They're not being banned, they're calling for a ban..

Many reptiles have already been by-lawed in many of OUR cities.. No matter what laws are made, they're going to be out there.. It's just unfortunate that they get into the wrong hands.. Every Pit Bull that I have met (a couple members on this site), including my own, have been well trained and very nice dogs that would sooner lick, than bite.. It's ashame they have such a bad rep..

I find it hard to believe that this man was just walking down the street and the dogs decided to attack him.. Something else must have taken place to provoke them.. Also, the witnesses claimed to have beaten the dogs with sticks and even as far as choke the dogs, why were they not bit?? If these two dogs were so evil and viscious, why did they not turn on the people who were actually harming them??

It's very unfortunate that this had to take place, the sad thing is, the good owners will be the ones that suffer..
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Old 08-30-04, 05:15 PM   #13
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Amen to that leoncurrie, marisa too -- as usual, this just goes back to the damn humans. Bah
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Old 08-30-04, 05:17 PM   #14
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Just out of curiousity Marissa, where does your information come from regarding lab bites and pit attacks?

All dogs can become monsters, of course. But pits were bred for aggressive nature, making them more prone to be monsters in the wrong hands.. Once again, its not the animals fault, but the dumbass owners that shouldnt own a goldfish let alone a dog, or a pitbull.
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Old 08-30-04, 05:26 PM   #15
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Here are a couple links to check out..


Here's some results from the ATTS (The American Temperament Test Society)..


Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier
Chow Chow
Collie 761.601.160 79.0%
Golden Retriever 637.530.107.83.2%
Shih Tzu
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