We have 2 A. seemani , they are both a little skittish but they are good eaters and they are a lot of fun to watch when they are rearranging the cage. LOL! I don't know how they would be to handle, we haven't tried, they seem way to nervous for that.
1.4 Ball Pythons,1.1 Greybanded Kings,1.1 Cal Kings,1.1 Brooksi, 0.1 Goini,2.1 Striped Motley Corns, 1.1 Normal Corns, 1.0 Ghost Motley Corn,0.2 Anery Corns, 0.1 Emoryi x Corn, 2.1 Western Hognose,1.1 Leucistic Texas Rats, 1.1 Mexican Black Kings