At 2 feet or more, a ball python should be about big enough to take weaned rats. If the mice are only 1/3rd of her girth, it's definitely time to switch. However, you should make the switch as gradual as possible. Even we as humans have difficulty dealing with change. For primitive snakes like ball pythons, it is even more difficult. I would try a step by step method. For instance:
1. Switch to pre-killed or frozen/thawed mice
2. Scent a frozen/thawed rat the size of a mouse with a live mouse. I don't know why your rat before smelled awful, but I generally find rats to not have much of a smell compared to mice.
3. If step 2. is unsuccessful, feed that live mouse, and then, just as your ball python is almost done swallowing with its mouth open and the mouse's tail hanging out of the mouth, put the head of the frozen/thawed rat in its mouse. Do not force it down in any way, just hold it firmly inside its mouth, and hopefully it will grab it and start swallowing.
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. After a while, your ball python should get accustomed to the smell and taste of rats and recognize it as food.
I would also space out feedings a bit more than usual. Also, make sure the frozen/thawed rat is warmer than room temperature. As long as you don't end up cooking them, it's pretty safe to have them pretty warm, much warmer than a live prey item per say. Although matching a live prey's temperature would be best, if you can't be accurate, I'd aim for higher rather than lower. Ball pythons depend a lot on their heat pits to sense prey, so it's important to that they detect something warm to help elicit a feeding response.
I personally would not bother buying any of the live rats from Petco as feeders. Chances are there won't be much selection in sizes, and $8.99USD is a ridiculous amount to pay. However, if you do plan to breed your rats, which sounds like your plan, you can definitely try feeding live as well. I just find the best time to get a ball python to eat whatever you want is to put something in its mouth as it's swallowing something else, in which case, you don't want something live.
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog
Last edited by hhw; 08-15-04 at 02:48 PM..