Here are my pics, this site is just a little bit too slow, I would've posted the pics a few days ago, but you guys won't except my pictures from
"the other forum's" gallery.
Here is a pic of my 20 inch northern ringneck "Giant" eating a pinky mouse.
I tricked her quite a few times by scented the pinky with slimy salamander slime. Then the salamander I had used for scenting died. So I put it in the freezer and used it again a few days later, it worked then, but then the salamander started to smell bad, and it didn't smell like salamander much anymore, and Giant wouldn't take the next offered mouse.
Here is a pic of my first clutch of ringneck snake eggs that hatched this year. My camera sucks, I'm sick of wasting money, so you won't be seeing very many pics from me for a while.
Here is a (really bad) pic of my melanistic eastern garter snake eating a frog.
If anybody wants to donate a slimy salamander, by all means, help me out, I haven't seen a salamander for 2 weeks or so.
Michael's Place
Michael_Fedzen @