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Old 07-29-04, 06:51 PM   #1
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Question Crested Gecko Diet Questions

Meh sry guys couldnt think of a great title...

I just got my first thing of CGD,I didnt know it meant we turn it to jelly at first i thought it meant it was a dusting sort of thing,so anyways hear are my questions(keep in mind mines less then a month old,and ive never seen it eat from the lil dish of babyfood in its tank,I usualy feed it off my fingure,anyhoo here it goes):

1)It says 2 Parts water one part CGD i get that but my geckos small,and it says after a day the made stuff is no good,and its 12$ a thing here,so i dont wanna waste too much so for a gecko as young as mine how much should i use???

2)Im using Mango,Raspberries(both pureed),Pinhead crix so far,Oh and Apricot babyfood,Add in the CGD what should i take out and what should i make staples and what should i give every 2-3 days or something like that?

3) I heard of people dusting crix with this...Should i?

4)Can i freeze it???If so how long will it last?
0.1.0 Tremper Albino Leo
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Last edited by PDDM; 07-29-04 at 08:50 PM..
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Old 07-29-04, 08:48 PM   #2
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I Really Need To Know If its Freezable or if theres anyway too keep it for more then a day.
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Old 07-29-04, 09:05 PM   #3
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You can make up a batch of the CGD and freeze it.
Or you can add some to your fruit mix and then freeze the batch. I have a cresties, G. vorax, gargoyles and leachianus who all eat fruit, so a typical fruit batch that I make up is about 2.5 litres (lasts me about 3 months). Every once in a while I'll add half a small jar of CGD to that and mix it in well, then freeze.

If you are just feeding one very young crestie, it might be easier to make up a small batch of CGD, say a tablespoon full, and keep it in the fridge. It will last in there for a few days, up to about a week. If you keep it at room temperature in the enclosure, you'll see it growing hair by the next morning, about 12 hours or so. You could also use the extra for cricket gutload. They seem to love it enough to finish it off before it goes bad.
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Old 07-29-04, 09:07 PM   #4
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I don't own a crested but I think you use calcium dust for dusting crickets, mealies ect.... which cost about 6 bucks cep in canada
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Old 07-29-04, 09:44 PM   #5
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Test it out, see how much your crestie will eat the first time (if he does eat it) then adjust accordingly.
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Old 07-29-04, 10:36 PM   #6
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yeah ill try,except im having trouble turning it to gel,as it says its pretty liquidy!I did 2 parts water and 1 Part CGD but its liquidy,oh well ill freeze it and test it tomorrow,i mixed in a bit with babyfood in its bowl,but ill test the actual pure stuff tomorrow when i feed it...i fed it already today (i think im overloading the poor guy it crapped twice today and yesterday)
0.1.0 Tremper Albino Leo
1.0.0 Bearded Dragon
0.0.1 Fire Crested Gecko
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