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Old 07-28-04, 10:29 AM   #1
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Question Custom Habitats?

Hey all. I am having a friend build custom habitats for my own herps, as well as the ones that will be in my shop. I am wondering if anyone has some suggestions for design. I have seen all the designs on here, and they are wonderful. Just looking for a few more ideas
I appreciate any replies!

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Old 08-02-04, 09:18 AM   #2
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Why aren't these questions in the proper forum. This is a showcase, if you have questions use the appropriate forum.

Q. What's brown and sticky? A. A stick!
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Old 08-02-04, 09:34 AM   #3
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For some really breathtaking designs, look here:
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Old 08-02-04, 09:44 AM   #4
Greg West
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There are many peoples great setups for a bunch of different vivariums. Most are amphibian related, but you shoul,d be able to find some other stuff there too.

Greg West
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Old 08-02-04, 09:49 AM   #5
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how many animals are we talking about here?

see, some of us can be helpful, not everyone is out to give assinine responses that mean nothing to your question

and by shop, are you suggesting a pet store?

for your snakes I would suggest a rack, but I dont' know if you want a display cage or just a habitat
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Old 08-02-04, 01:55 PM   #6
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Well, my personal pets are 3 ball pythons (these have ok enclosures already), 1 spotted python (natural-looking tank, lots of hiding spots), 1 beardie, and 2 leos. I want something that will look great as well as provide what the animals need.

The shop is indeed a pet shop. We are opening early next year, not sure exactly when though. We will have the rubbermaids in the back room, so that animals will not become stressed. Our idea is to have maybe one of whatever we have for sale in a display in the store (for example, you walk in and see 1 ball, 1 corn, 2 leos, etc). Doing special orders so that people have to seriously think about what they are buying, and knowing that they have to put 50% down on an animal before I will consider getting it for them.

We have our personal breeding projects in the works, and I would love to use the rack system for that. This will be at a different location of course.

We want to have 1 burm on display, in the back, behind the counter, with about 1/2 the enclosure hidden, so that people will understand what they are (eg. even though they are small now, and inexpensive, they will become HUGE animals).

So we want a few custom enclosures for displays, and a rack system for breeding our own, and 2 large habitat displays for a burm and possibly an iguana (again, at about $25 for a baby iggy, everyone wants one, but gets rid of it as an adult).

Our main purpose of the shop is to educate and provide free info and help as needed with any animal. I would rather see someone change their mind about buying a burm if they understood how freakin' huge they can get.

Anyways, I have rambled on here lol. Thanks for replying!

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Old 08-02-04, 02:15 PM   #7
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alright, have you taken a look at Vision Cages or other plastic prefab cages?

they're easily stackable and easy to clean, heat, light, etc
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Old 08-02-04, 02:26 PM   #8
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Ah yes, I have a few similar ones that I am not too fond of I am just picky I guess, lol.

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