Red River Gorge, Shawnee Lookout Field Pics
This weekend I was in Cincinnati, OH and I spent some time at Shawnee Lookout in the southwest corner of Hamilton County, and also Red River Gorge in KY.
I was at Shawnee for only a couple of hours, and I was hiking more than herping, but I still came across a couple of snakes.
Heres some shots from the hilltops and lookouts. I still cant believe there are not copperheads in Hamilton County. This place looks perfect for them. The hills are bigger than what they look in these pictures...
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Heres a black rat snake I almost stepped on. I almost fell trying to lift my foot back up. Thats what ya get for not looking at the trail.
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I happened to look at the right place in the leaves by the trail, and saw this little Garter basking there.
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One thing that there is no shortage of in Hamilton County, and thats deer. They are everywhere. Our house is in the middle of town, and they are always in our backyard eating from our pear tree. My mom found a newborn in our bushes a few weeks ago.
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Saturday I went to Red River Gorge. It was mostly sunny and hardly got above 75 degrees. As usual, the copperheads were everywhere you looked, and I found quite a few ringnecks, as well as a black racer and a large garter snake, whose life I saved when I chased him off the road before a pickup rounded the corner.
Heres some scenery and snakes.
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I like this picture, although Im not sure why...
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Last edited by shaggybill; 07-26-04 at 12:43 AM..