Id prefer to give a herp more variety but still use mealies alot aswell as crickets. Chittin shells cant cause impaction just like digestion problems which arent fatal. Just makes it alil harder to digest but still theyre easily digested ofcoarse. But then again famous Ron Tremper feeds his leos only mealies from petstores sand when you look at his tremper giants and reguler leos they look pretty damn amazing.
Love punkrock, metal, hard rock, spiritual rock, streaking whenever given the chance,spiking my mohawk, or new full grown out hair sharp as knives, herps, girls, Head banging, moshing, licking my lip piercing, breeding things, FEET.
Dislikes: shaving,waxing,plucking,Being depressed,Being lonely...
Last edited by infectedgecko; 07-24-04 at 03:21 AM..