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Old 10-01-02, 06:22 PM   #1
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snow corns

is their 2 different kinds?
i have seen in pics that some are a pinkish (flesh) with white bands but then i saw some that are white with yellow, as adults of course...which is the right one or are they both the right one?
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Old 10-01-02, 08:10 PM   #2
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Basically speaking there are three morphs of snow corns.
1) Normal Snow - some with yellowish and white some only white
2) Pink Snow - with pinkish saddles and white
3) Green Snow - with lime colored saddles and white

There are also two more white kind of corn snakes. Which is the blizzard and the pearl corn snake. If I remember correctly I think that the pearl corn snake is even whitter than the blizzard corn snake. Both the blizzard and the pearl corn snake is suppose to be pure white. Just the mixing of them is different and that the pearl seems to be more white than the blizzard. Don't quote me on this because this is from what I remember. I am not 100% sure if this is correct. But I am sure that these two morphs do exists.

Here is a photo of my pink snow:

<img src=" image_id=26&courtesy=1">

Here is another shot of my pink snow:

<img src=" image_id=27&courtesy=1">

Here is my snow motley. Snows has these colors but not the pattern. Because that this is a motley, regular snows don't have these pattern (the circles)

<img src=" image_id=47&courtesy=1">
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Old 10-01-02, 08:13 PM   #3
Nikki Gervais
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There are I believe a few diff colour phases of snow corns, I have seen adults who look pure white (they are not blizzards, you can see the pattern), pinkish, yellowish, lime-like, and even ones that look to be more of a slate background with white. If you search on the net for snow corns I'm sure you'll come across pics of diff colour phases. Which is why when you pruchase snow corns if you are chosey about what the adults will look like you should speak to the breeder about the appearance of the parents. Hope this helps
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Old 10-01-02, 08:38 PM   #4
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Very nice snow's! Mine has the green in the saddles.
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Old 10-02-02, 01:06 PM   #5
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Just thought I'd add that the variation in the colours of the snow doesn't mean they're different genetic morphs. They arise due to the fact that even normal corns are so variable in intensity and colour. Some more orange, some more red, some more grey etc. Just when you have variation in the normals, the variation also shows up in the genetic morphs.

Now many breeders are making use of this variation and breeding towards more pink snows or more green snows through means of selective breeding. Maybe then, a pink snow and a green snow can be called different morphs (non-genetic) due to the years of selective breeding for colours.

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Old 10-02-02, 01:07 PM   #6
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Nice snows btw, Simon!

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Old 10-02-02, 01:17 PM   #7
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my lil ghost is so cute. she is white with alot of pink in here she is beauitful. when i get a pic of her i will post it here.
| SeXy|3iTcH |
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