Hello everyone:
Well I been posring alot on the forum in boas and pythons, in a wide range of animals. Mostly focusing on showing you all color. Everything from white to tans to greens, now its time for reds.
Here I am posting 3 different Brazilian Rainbow Boas. Originally all 3 from Don Patterson. My collection now holds 3.4 pairs from 6 different bloodlines. Had another adult pair before but they are sold.
Here you see 1.2 set that I had up for sale a few months back.
Check out there color and brilliance, of all my boids its rainbows and carpet that are tricky to get photos on since they love to run (slither) away as fast as they can.
Everyone meet ARES, IRIS, and ATALANTA....yup right spelling not Atlanta City. All named from greek gods.
Well I hope you enjoyed the photos, this method is easier than posted 12 photos, lol.
Comment and questions welcomed.
Thank you.