IMPORTANT! needsome help.
i have a ball python that i have absolutly no clue whats wrong with it. it's started bout a week ago, she 's been acting really funny since i feed her .(bout a day or to after) She's making this sound like almost a crying and she's being sick from both ends. She has almost like a stringie spit coming out of her mouth (RI) and at the same time she has runnie poop coming out of her bum. now at first i thought it was just her having a little trouble pooping, but then she made the sound and the spit came out , and now i dont know what to think. i feed her bout a day or two before this started happening , i was hoping that maybe someone could help. i've never had do deal with anything like this before.. I was thinking it could have been what i feed her. i usually give her meduim sized rats, but all i could get was adult mice so i gave her like 5 or 6 of them just to tie her over until i got some rats .
Well ask as many questions , because i know i didn't explain it all that well. anyways .
Sincerely and Thanx
I was also wondering could it be IBD?
:skull: 1.2 Ball pythons :skull:
Last edited by *Spike*; 06-23-04 at 12:47 AM..