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Old 06-21-04, 11:46 AM   #1
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Unhappy Emperor problem

Hello there,

i got, what i think is a problem with my male emperor scorpion. I think he has been atacked by the female, which is somewhat bigger then him. She probably got a grip on his "arm" and broke it. So now his pedipalp and a segment, is just dangling there. Which gives him trouble walking around. I dunno what to do with him now. I read a somewhat the same story somewhere on the internet, they said it should survive something like this. It could live with only one pedipalp. Is this true?
Also, should i try and break it off totally or should i just let nature do its thing and wait till it falls off (by him movin around a bit and break it himself or something like that)
I mist the tank more often now, so the humidity is higher. Dunno, but it just sounds logical to me, puttin a seperator in the tank, so the female will live him alone for a while, maybe for all the time. Im just gonna try and feed him crickets, but i dont want to stress him to much now though
They live in a tank that is 100x40x40 (in centimeters, i havent got a clue on how to make gallons from that ). Humidity is between 80 and 90. About 85 to 90 F.
Do you think he will be allright? Any ideas, suggestions or whatever?
Kinda sucks that i didnt see it sooner. But i havent got a clue when this happened. Darn
Anyways, hope to hear something from you guys and gals soon.
Thanks in advance
Greetz Daan
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Old 06-22-04, 12:20 AM   #2
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No idea about the scorpion questions but it's a 42 gallon tank

(L x W x H) / 1000 = Volume in Litres

Vol in Litres / 3.78 = Volume in Gallons

Just FYI
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Old 06-23-04, 04:47 PM   #3
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hehe ok thank you for that
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Old 06-23-04, 05:32 PM   #4
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Please post an update on what happens to your scorp.
I don't think anyone knows what to do about a severed palp, hence the lack of replies...but your posting what happens could serve as a reference if this accident should happen to someone else. Thanks
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Old 06-23-04, 11:36 PM   #5
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Assuming it is mature, it shouldn't be a huge issue. It is the problems with future moults that I would be most concerned about if it were immature.

In terms of the leave it/remove it, it will depend on how much it is in the way. If it doesn't come off on its own and it is seriously impeding the scorpion then I'd amputate. Have some nail hardener or liquid skin or something to deal with any leaks -- works well on Ts, so I see no reason not to use it on scorps.

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Old 06-24-04, 05:28 PM   #6
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Thanks for the replies.
Here is a pic of the pedipalp. It isnt very clear, but it was the best that i could do. Anyways, you can see that the left pedipalp is just hanging there. Its still attached, and when its walking around its steps on it, so its pretty much in the way. But its still moving around. I havent fed it yet, but since they can do without food for along time, i guess that isnt a big problem, right? Just wanted it to get back to strenght a bit before feeding him. Ill just watch him good for the next few days, if it hasnt come of then, ill probably gonna amputate it.
Anyways thanks again, and ill keep you all posted on this
Greetz Daan
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Old 07-06-04, 11:53 AM   #7
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Hello folks

well, it finally happened: the pedipalp came off. I was planning i cutting it of myself, but then i thought it would be a better idea, if nature would just take her course, and it did. Yesterday i saw the pedipalp laying just a few inches from the scorpion.
Ill just gonna monitor his behaviour now and see how it will work out. He is still pretty alert. I dont know if he has eaten now, but i cant handfeed him. He just searches shelter then. Someone got an idea on how the "hand" feed a scorpion? Or should i just pop in some crickets and let him do his thing?
Anyways, here are some pics

Greetz and thanks for your replies
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