It is possible that the one that is not feeding is coming into a shed - they may not eat for 2 weeks when they are shedding. Tease feeding can stimulate some hatchlings to feed, but can scare other individuals, so you want to use it with caution. It is also possible that this snake was not picked up and placed into a feeding container to be fed before, so is startled by that process. If you can contact the person who sold them to you, it would be useful to find out how and what they were being fed before you got them.
As sapphire moon says, corns are better off when housed individually so you can keep track of them and so that one does not intimidate the other. The cage size you have is also very large and there may not be enough secure hiding spots for this corn. Baby corns like small, tight, dark places to hide and we usually get them to feed by placing the nose of a thawed, warmed pinkie into their hiding spot.
It is important not to handle the snake much at all until it is feeding, to reduce the stress. Hopefully this little guy will shed within a week and be eating well for you soon after that,
mary v.
Mary VanderKop