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Old 06-18-04, 04:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: FLORIDA
Age: 50
Posts: 3
Orlando's I.B.D. Fundraiser

Fund raiser for Inclusion Body Disease - I.B.D. is the greatest health disease facing our industry and with the alarming increase of I.B.D. throughout the world, there is an urgent need for all of us to raise funds and contribute to help fund I.B.D. research.. To date, current research has only had $24,000 to fund research and staff. For this reason, the F.I.R.E. Expo is dedicated this year to I.B.D. awareness and raising funds. 100% of all proceeds will go directly to critical I.B.D. research. Tax deductible contributions are being requested as well as donations for the fund raising auction.
On Saturday, July 10th, Dr. Elliott Jacobson, the leading I.B.D. researcher in the country will be the keynote speaker at the F.I.R.E. Banquet and benefit auction. This will be a fun evening with a buffet dinner, discussion of I.B.D. with Dr. Jacobson and many nice reptile items including reptiles from Pete Kahl, Bob Clark and Tom Carlton. Donations for the auction are needed. Contributors and those donating to the benefit auction will receive priority reserved seating at the banquet. Contributors of $100 or more or a donation of this value, will be seated at the banquet at the head table with Dr. Elliott Jacobson and will also receive a upgrade at the Marriott from a standard room to a Jr. Suite. I.B.D. no longer only afficts pytons and boas but every reptile species. Contact Evely Saxton, to register your tax deductable contributation or donation to the I.B.D. fund raising auction July 10th. Deadline to register your donations and be listed in the expo program is July 3rd. To learn more about IBD and the urgency to raise funds, please visit
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