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Old 06-12-04, 01:38 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2004
Posts: 19
Illegal killing or nuisance animals?

As i go with my friend to his hunting camp i have seen allot of dead american alligators that seem to be killed for no reason really. His camp is on a two hundred or so acres, leased. With large ponds between each of the neighboring properties. I asked "the judge" who is the man that owns my friends property and allows them to lease it. I asked him about the many gators that have been killed and if theres a reason for this. He and the neighboring properties have declared every gator in that area nuisance gators, even though the cattle they own arnt anywhere near the large lakes nor the small ponds. Last i counted more then twenty large dead gators in drainage ditches leading to the lake. I would think if you are going to kill large gators for no reason atleast take the meat in the tail, but even then. Pointless killing and a waste to me. I am sure nothing can be done being his property but the many gators dead is sickening.
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Old 06-12-04, 01:54 PM   #2
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Thats crazy...

That is horrible! Aren't they protected in FL?

Report the owners to Fish and Wildlife, I bet ya they'll investigate...

I hate hearing about s h i t like that, makes me want to go down and take care of nuissance humans!
Marc Bouchard
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Old 06-12-04, 02:17 PM   #3
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Thing is, is that this guy really is a judge of that area and is pretty high up there in standards of the locals there, being his property i dont know much that can be done, but it could i dont know yet have find out more details. An yes they are species or special concern here.
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Old 06-12-04, 04:51 PM   #4
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07, Are you up in north, FL? I know a hunter who also owns/leases 200 acres in north Fla. Just wondering if this could be possibly the same person. Also, Not trying to do anything for the species is just as bad as killing them yourself. A lot of wardens take there job and animals seriously so you still may have a chance in success. At least give it a shot.
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Old 06-12-04, 05:13 PM   #5
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Lake Okeechobee is where this land is. The man that owns the land says there nuisance animals but there clearly not. Your absolutley right Xain, i will try and do something about it. But one huge problem is that i am sure all the corpses are gone by now. Although there are many many gators there i am sure most of them have been killed, i am sure there are some juveniles there though. Doubt i can do much on my part being i am only a kid, but i will sure try. jason
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