I agree with a lot of what Marisa said but I wouldn't go to the extreme that iguanas should be illegal and that they don't make good pets period.
They ARE a LOT of work and are demanding in many respects: time, money, effort, patience, tolerance, etc. I know. Since I've gotten my ig, I've cut down my collection down and will again soon. The time it takes to care for my ig is equal or more than what I spend actively with my dogs! Thank God they're getting old and lazy! lol
High vet costs are an important thing to factor in, especially for igs and a rescue on top of it!
There are a lot of downsides to having an ig, an it is VERY important to think about it beforehand. But there are also rewards.
You don't experience as much interactivity with other herps. The fact that they're active during the daytime and have lots of daily needs makes for lots of active interaction. It doesn't mean it's always positive and fun but IMO it beats a sleepy snake! lol
They are very intelligent and VERY tempermental. Do NOT expect a cuddly pet as the majority don't like handling or much physical contact. I've been working with my ig closely for a good 8 months now and am still getting clawed up on a weekly basis (refer to my other post in the other ig thread a bit lower down).
I could almost write a book about stories of what I've gone through with my Paco in the short while that I've had her! It's been very tough but at the same time equaly rewarding for me.
I love my monster and can't imagine her not being around. It's definitely not for everyone though.
Make sure it's what you really want (a difficult, fussy big lizard with tons of attitude)!!!