My incubator is set at 85F, but it varies a bit, and some spots could be down to 80F. I'm not particular about putting each deli cup back in the same spot after my daily checks, so it's a good bet that egg and any of them will have been in just about every part of the incubator, exposed to the entire temperature range. I'd about resigned myself to finding a dead egg soon. The other egg in the clutch was a dud from day one, and collapsed before it was a week old. This one was pink and healthy looking until about a week ago, when it started to turn dark inside. Considering the time it had been incubating, I thought it was dead and decomposing inside, but kept it anyways. Two days ago there was no more sign of pink, the entire inside was visible through the shell as very dark, almost black. Even the shell was getting a bit mottled. Then yesterday morning, there she was, looking at me.
I don't have to worry about getting hooked. I already am. Mckenna's mom Cheetah was my first AFT, got her in late October, and now I've got 4, making plans for more. Soon. Very soon.