Jeez, none of those things would have been a problem if he just left Adam alone to enjoy his beer.
10) Where would Adam go? He's got paradise and beer.
9) It's paradise. You don't need a remote. You just think of something and it happens.
8) Naked time. Ever heard of it.
7) Personal grooming is not important when y ou're the only person in paradise.
6) What garbage. In paradise you have beer and an infinite supply of twinkies, which grow on trees.
5) It's paradise. There's no damn kids.
4) Tools? Who needs to work. Let the angels come down and do it.
3) It wasn't me god, it was that talking snake over there.
2) The bible was written before porn was invented.
1) He might have been able to do better, but you have to wonder which came first. Eve or the platypus?