Info on Dwarf Caiman...
Hi, ok once again I’m debating getting a Caiman, not in the near future probably a few months away. I’ve read up on them more then you could imagine online, and have settled on the idea of going with Paleosuchus palpebrosus, (Cuvier's dwarf caiman).
Now before I get one I’d like too get some first hand Information from people who own one (or a similar species). They are just basics mainly. I’d like too know some sizes of adult animals and growth rate. Also ratios of SVL too full tip too tip measurement. I need this because information on caging is based on SVL of the animal but the sites only give a full measurement of the animal. Feeding as well, how much and how often do you feed your animals, Care sheets only can tell you so much and from all the other animals I keep I already know they are often wrong or misleading. Any other information you might want too share as well such as your cage temps preferred, heating methods, and your cage sizes. Would be appreciated,
Thank you,