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Old 09-20-02, 02:05 PM   #1
Them and Us
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Boa quirks

does anybody have a snake with an unusual quirk or two . my baby Boa here, lovingly titled Elendil , has two quirks. the one of course is if you stare in his eyes he will snap. only from a distance . if you bring em close up to your face he just kind of ficks his tonge and does his thing. I'm guessing the staring in the eyes is just a sign of aggression as with any animal and the other quirk that he has is tongues. stick your tongue out and he wants it. my friend Steve discovered this . he stuck his tongue out at me when he was holding him and well he missed Steves tongue by about a centimeter . was quite hilarious. steve almost crapped his pants especially since he has been afraid of snakes his whole life and it was right after he said. ohh he isn't too bad. thanks . Todd
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Old 09-20-02, 04:00 PM   #2
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My Leucistic Texas Rat always pushes her bedding and "houses" all into one corner of her enclosure (and often into the water bowl, as well) and she gets very agitated when I go to rearrange it, she often strikes at me and has bitten once because it...she never bites or strikes under any other circumstances...I find it to be very odd, myself.
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Old 09-20-02, 07:08 PM   #3
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I find that odd...

Seeing as most snakes, including boas, can't really see that far, I wouldn't say that looking at him has anything to do with anything. As for putting your face right up to his? Yowzza! That's just ASKING for trouble.
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Old 09-21-02, 07:21 PM   #4
Them and Us
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he is fine when you are up close which i would find quite logical for him to not strike.if you recognize or can see something well it is less intimidating then if it is blurry and unrecognizable from a distance. that is my opinion. of course how well does human behavior relate to boa behavior i do not know. no doubt you know more than I.its just what i think. snakes.herpetology is a newfound love for me.
"a tolls a toll, and a rolls a roll, and if we don't get no tolls... then we don't eat no rolls "
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Old 09-21-02, 07:24 PM   #5
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Then and Us, nice quote at the bottom of your messages. I dig Jack Nicholson.
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 09-21-02, 08:34 PM   #6
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THAT's where that quote is from. I was going to ask!!!

Tough to say man, its hard to put human thought processes on a boa. They simply don't have the same mechanisms going on in their brains as we do. Tough to say bud!
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Old 09-21-02, 10:24 PM   #7
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Re: I find that odd...

Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Seeing as most snakes, including boas, can't really see that far, I wouldn't say that looking at him has anything to do with anything. As for putting your face right up to his? Yowzza! That's just ASKING for trouble.
Took the words right out of my mouth!
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