need help quick leo eggs
Hye i need help fast my leo laid 2 eggs on march 22 and iv been incubating them at 85f and last nite when iw as checkin the eggs i notcied the one i thought was firtile the whit of the egg was like peeling off and i could see through it and see blood veins and it seemd there was a small hole well i checked it thi s mornin and out the whole tthere is a bloob of yellow and a little red so im thinkin it mite be an eggs sack and donno what im sapposed to do now can some one plz help.
1.1.1 leopard geckos,4 D. auratus,3 D. tinctorus, .1 bearded dragon,1.1 ball pythons, 1 rose hair t,1 pinktoe T, 2 piranha, 1 coastal carpet python , 2 chinese softshells and 1 trinkit rat snake.