so...made it to hamburg and back and it was a great show.
Lots of selection and people....had a chance to meet GreggM!!!!
I picked up a couple new snakes for myself.
LARGE female dusky pygmy
Look at that face!
also picked up a HUGE female white lipped tree viper (T. albolabris)
This snake is unbelievable, has to be seen in person, she is amazing.
Pretty nippy, but she makes up foe her attitute with her looks!
....and of course, I couldnt be 1.5 hours away from Philly with the Leafs playing there the very next night and NOT go.
So.....we went to the Leaf game on Sunday and endured the extreme attitude of the hopeless Flyer fans {eww}
All in All a good trip, but it would've been nice if the Leafs won! you agree or disagree or not disagree?
Lemme know whatcha think about the snakes!