Oh Boy here we go again
I just had this same conversation on the Kingsnake forum, The enclosures all in one room that has the vents blocked off. The heating systems are under the cage and Moss is moistened and placed on the warm end every evening. apparently, some people do not agree with this design, but for me 1/4 safety glass, which is all I would use if I did, is way to expensive for me. I have never had a problem with RI or aggressiveness from the top opening. They all have complete sheds, except for our Ball, who indecently is in the only glass enclosure I own, and all are healthy as horses. I am sorry if this post sounds kind of defensive, I do not mean it that way, I promise you they are fine, and none have any scales rubbed of their snouts either.
Sean McDonnell
"It's not what your snakes can do for you, It's what you can do for your snakes"