Definately weird - I wanted to wait til he shed to get a few pictures. I have tried to massage it to see if it would manipulate back into position, but no luck.
His behaviour was intense and crazy to start with but it seems to be getting worse - any initial touch will set him off into wrapping himself up into coils, so severe that it looks like he is bruising his skin in places. He doesn't show any overt nervous signs so this may just be him attempting to locate a loop that feels like a female snake to him - he seems to be breeding his own body coils at times. He moves normally, but I am not optomistic that he will recover from this - has been almost 2 weeks now.
The kink is indicated by blue arrows - one photo shows him in the midst of coiling on himself - he just whirls around the cage - quite weird- and he seems to have developed bit lesser kink behind his head - strange snake!
mary v.