Yahoo Eggs On The Way!!!!!
On to the next step at last!!!! as i have posted be for i realy needed some info on corn snake breeding fast, because i knew mating season was coming. and this forum realy helped me out. this is my first time of breeding any thing. so when my snakes finnally went at it i just had to poste some pics. and i got great feed back thanks again people. now my female has finnally gone throguht her pre-lay shed. and now im ready for the next step. i can see and feel the eggs in side her. she is almost twice her normal size. i took the advice of some of the forum members and tried to fatten her up since she did look small. i bought 6 mice and she only ate one.... so um how long till she starts laying her eggs? i heard it was something like 10 days or that true?...and when she lays them what do i do? write now she is in a cage full of peat moss. im hoping she will lay her eggs on top of it wont she? and then when the eggs are layed i just keep the peat moss moist right? and take her out? plz give me some feedback
0.1 Anerythristic Corn
1.0 Normal Corn
1.0 Amelanistic Corn
1.0 Ball Python