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Old 04-02-04, 01:59 AM   #1
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Question Baby Food/CGD how long does it last?

How long does 1 jar of babyfood last for a group of 3 breeding cresties? I can't seem to find the _amount_ of it to feed at once on any care sheet, just how often to offer it (most suggesting either daily or every other day) is this about right? How much should one crestie eat in one sitting?
I just ask because babyfood is surprisingly expensive! Also how long would one of the small bottles that makes about .5lbs cgd last for 3 breeding adults, and how much of that should be fed at one sitting. For this I've seen frequency data from every 3-4 days to every 5-6 days, which is accurate, or is it a matter of some debate?

Thanks :-)

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Old 04-02-04, 02:02 AM   #2
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Well the problem is that once open baby food only lasts like 3 days. I feed it to two Golden Geckos, about a teaspoon each, but hardly make a dent in the smallest jar before throwing it out. I just look for 3 for a 1$ deals.

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Old 04-02-04, 02:28 AM   #3
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I guess that's cause they don't have preservatives right? If they're 100% fruit (most of them are right?) would it be ok to just take a bit of fresh fruit and mash it up? At least that way I could eat what the geckos couldn't, lol. I guess that wouldn't be the same though because that would be a lot more water/less fruit than's in the baby food. :-P Sorry it just seems like there should be a better way.
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Old 04-02-04, 03:06 AM   #4
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If you put the baby food in a different container and freeze it it will last longer. Also with fresh fruit I put it in the blender and then mix it with some baby food and crested diet. It can be frozen as well. I would say freezing should last for a week. It'll be okay longer but you may lose some of the nutrients. As for feeding I feed my cresties as much as they want about three times a week. They don't eat much at a time so i don't think you have to worry about overfeeding. Keep an eye on there bellys just in case though.

In the words of a Ball python, "I won't eat it, but I'll squeeze it."
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Old 04-02-04, 12:12 PM   #5
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baby food lasts along time if you keep it in the fridge, read the expire date. My geckos would rather eat crickets then baby food. I have 2 that will eat it, and 2 that won't.
I Raise Crested Geckos With High Quality Care
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