Hey guys....I rearranged my room last night to make room for my cage plans!
Here is where I moved my dresser to. I put my female BP cage on there and you can see the leo rack. I use the top and bottom for Leos....middle I keep my crickets in
Here is the corner where I keep my cges
I have one extra as you can see. ANd I plan on putting a new leo in there.
Here is the wall I'm going to be using. The cage plans are as followed: I will be building a 4x2x2....but ontop of that building 2 extra racks that are 2 feet high each....so it will be a total of 6ft ttall. So I can stack a 20 & a 10...or a 55. I will be putting a burm in the 4x2x2..and buying a 55 for my female BCI to live in.
what do you think!?
Don Meyer