I like campbelli as well and have been keeping them since they first came available in the early 80's. They were only named L. t. campbelli in 1983
Here's some of mine. I especially like the high contrast black , white and red ones. That's even better if they come with sockhead keyhole heads.
Above is one of my first.. I paid several hundred for it back in the 80's
Above, high contrast keyhole sockheads.. my favs
Above , a couple of hatchlings.These two are siblings, and below, that same exact apricot as an adult some 5 or so years later, photgraphed today
The apricot trait appears to be co-dom.. if one breeder has the trait you'll see it in half the babies,sometimes more. This trait can be amplified through selective breeding and orange pueblans have been develped from the apricots.
Brian has a nice one.